Rediscovering what’s possible, guided by your inner wisdom.

Who We Are

By definition, we are a boutique coaching firm who provides accessible life and professional coaching. But at our core, we are humans that believe in the intuitive power of the inner wisdom that lives inside each of us. Through a carefully developed set of experiences, we support our clients as they shed the inhibitors that hold them back from their full potential, and guide them inward to their greatest sources of strength, vision and clarity.

What We Do

We offer economical group coaching leveraging the Positive Intelligence PQ curriculum developed by NYTimes best selling author Shirzad Chamine. This seven week experience will arm you with the skills to navigate your inner critics, and embrace the wisdom of your Sage to bring about presence, peace and positivity. With fifteen minutes of practice a day you will learn how to improve your mental fortitude and fitness by exploring the dimensions of your Sage. Your learning will be supported by weekly recorded learning sessions with Shirzad, and weekly live group coaching with Sage Wisdom. The end result is a transformative experience that supports you with the practical tools to recenter, and ultimately move forward with intentionality, confidence and authenticity.

“I now have the tools and ability to find presence, become present. It's something in my power, not something that's accidental or unobtainable.”

— Cristina, Co-Founder and Entrepreneur